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The Reason Why I Coach Volleyball | Cortina Volleyball

[fa icon="calendar'] Nov 19, 2016 10:00:00 AM / by Maicen Young posted in Volleyball, Coaching, Coaching Volleyball

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I woke up Saturday morning at 6:00am. Its almost winter so the sky was still dark and the air was freezing. I took a few minutes to muster the courage to leave the warmth of my bed. A deep breath, exhale, one quick motion and WHOOSH the blanket is off. Cold air invades the space between my clothing and skin. My bare feet hit the frigid hardwood floor. Soon I will be on the road with the team I coach, Northeastern Women's Club Volleyball, to compete for a first place finish. If all goes well, I'll be home late. I started coaching my sophomore year of high school. I am 24 now. After 10 years I still get asked why I do it. A young guy with a good job, long time girlfriend, living in a bar-infested area of Boston with five of my oldest and best friends, why do I sacrifice so many weekends to coach a sport that holds barely any merit in the northeast and pays next to nothing? All fair points, ones I have contemplated as well. After a decade I finally feel I can answer. Here is the reason why I coach volleyball.

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How Are Basketball And Volleyball Alike? | Cortina Volleyball

[fa icon="calendar'] Nov 17, 2016 8:50:45 AM / by Maicen Young posted in basketball, Coaching

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Basketball and volleyball are two of the most popular sports in the world. Athletes that play either sport often wonder if there are ways to train during the offseason outside the traditional practice of lifting, cardio, and drills. One of the most stimulating ways to train for your sport during the offseason is to play another sport that shares the same skill set! In the states, the popularity and coverage of basketball is much more extensive than volleyball. Due to the difference in coverage, many Americans are surprised to hear that the two sports share many similar traits. How are basketball and volleyball alike you may ask? Lets dive into a few similarities!

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